In this case I am choosing to use SQL Performance Analyzer to measure the impact on the SQL I gathered into my SQL Tuning Set from
** Keep in mind I am using a test environment where I can capture the SQL, execute and measure my changes all in the same database, in same cases you may need to capture the SQL tuning set in production and then transfer the SQL Tuning Set to a test environment to execute the analysis make the changes and then make the comparison. See Transfer SQL Tuning Sets between Databases post from October 2010.
Create an Analysis Task
In this case I will be using the dbms_sqlpa package using the create_analysis_task which will allow me to analyze the SQL in my SQL Tuning Set which is the SQL I captured that executes against the table(s) I am planning on partitioning.
dbms_sqlpa.create_analysis_task(sqlset_name => ‘STS_SPA_1‘,
task_name => ‘sts_spa1_task‘,
description => ‘test partitioning‘);
Execute the Analysis Task
Once the Analysis Task has been created we will need to execute the task to create the baseline that will be used to compare against after we make the changes. We will be using the dbms_sqlpa package and the execute_analysis_task procedure.dbms_sqlpa.execute_analysis_task(task_name => ‘STS_SPA1_task‘,
execution_type => ‘test execute‘,
execution_name => ‘before_partition_change‘);
Once the execution of the analysis task is complete we can make our changes. Once the change has been made then we will need to execute another analysis task to get the information to compare against the base after the change.
dbms_sqlpa.execute_analysis_task(task_name => ‘STS_SPA1_task‘,
execution_type => ‘test execute‘,
execution_name => ‘after_partition_change‘);
Compare Analysis Task
Once the initial analysis task is done, the change is made the post analysis task is done we are read yo compare the initial to the after. Again we will use the dbms_sqlpa package, this time we will use the execute_analysis task again but will set the analysis to compare performance.
task_name => ‘STS_SPA1_task‘,
execution_type => ‘compare performance‘,
execution_name => ‘analysis_results‘,
execution_params => dbms_advisor.arglist(‘execution_name1‘,‘before_partition_change‘,
‘execution_name2‘, ‘after_partition_change‘,
Run Compare Report
Once the Compare Analysis is complete we can run a report that will show us the results of the compare analysis. The follow short script will output to a file called SPA_COMPARE_REPORT.out 3 possible reports, the first being the full analysis report, the second being a summary report and the 3 being like a top offenders report called a finding report from the analysis.
-- Script: spa_compare.sql
-- Author; Michael R. Messina, Managing Consultant
-- Rolta-TUSC, Infrastructure Services
-- Executes a SQL Tuning Set Comparison and then outputs a report
-- from Performance Analyzer.
-- Get the whole report for the single statement case.
-- Show me the summary for the sts case.
-- Show me the findings for the statement I'm interested in.
spool off
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