Monday, October 18, 2010

Oracle Grid Control Exadata Storage Cell Plug-in Installation/Upgrade

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Exadata Storage Cell Plug-in allows that management agent to be able to monitor and assist with the basic management of the Exadata Storage Cells. The Exadata Storage Cell Plug-in is compatible with Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control version and above.
The installation and upgrade process is basically the same process. The difference is that on an upgrade is the pre-installation setup will not be needed.

Pre-Installation Setup
Prior to initial installation of the Exadata Storage Cell Plug-in you will need to identify a server that will have an agent that will be the monitoring agent for the Storage Cells. The that will have the Grid Control Agent that will monitor the Storage Cells must have connectivity to the Exadata Storage Cells via SSH. For this to happen that server must have a network interface on the management network or the infini-band for the Exadata.

1. Setup Server with Network connectivity to the Exadata Network which has the storage cells.

2. Setup hosts file on the server that will house the agents to see each of the storage cells.

3. Setup ssh connectivity to each of the storage cells
     a. generate the ssh keys on the sever that will house the agent
          i. ssh-keygen -t dsa -f id_dsa

     b. copy the ssh key to each of the storage cell servers as the celladmin user
          i. scp celladmin@dm01cel01:~
          ii. repeat for each storage cell

     c. log into the storage cell as the root user
          i. ssh root@dm01cel01

     d. Add contents of the id_dsa file to the authorized_keys file for the cellmonitor user on each of the storage cells.
          i. check if the authorized_keys file exists for the cellmonitor user
               a. ls -l /home/cellmonitor/.ssh/*
          ii. if the authorized keys file exists for the cellmonitor user
               a. cat /home/celladmin/ >> /home/cellmonitor/.ssh/authorized_keys
          iii. if the authorized keys file does not exist for the cell monitor user
               a. cp /home/celladmin/ /home/cellmonitor/.ssh/authorized_keys
          iv. repeat for each of the storage cell servers

4. Test ssh connectivity from the server that will house the Grid Control Agent for each of the storage cells.
     a. ssh -l cellmonitor dm01cel01 cellcli -e 'list cell detail'
        ** If you prompted for a password it not not working correctly need to check/repeat setup steps
        ** If you asked to confirm indicates Yes to continue with connection
     b. repeat test for each storage cell server.

5. Install the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Agent on the server that will serve as the monitoring Exadata Storage Cell monitoring Agent for the Grid Control Plug-in.

** It is ok for the monitoring agent for the Exadata Storage Cells to be the Gird Control Management Server Agent.

Plug-in Installation
For the plug-in installation the plug-in is imported into OEM Grid Control. This is the case for a new installation or a new version for an existing installation. This also assumes that you have an Oracle Grid Control Management Server/Service Setup and accessible.

1. Download the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Exadata Storage Server Plug-in.

2. Import the Plug-in into the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control.
     a. Select Setup from the Top Right portion of the Browser Window
     b. Select Management Plug-ins from the list menu on the right hand side of the window.
     c. Select Import Option
     d. Select Browse to locate the Exadata Storage Cell Plug-in
     e. Locate and Select the Exadata Storage Cell Plug-in File Downloaded and Select Open
     f. Select List Archive to Expand out the Plug-in
     g. Select the oracle_cell Plug-in ensuring the check mark is present next to the Plug-in then select OK
     h. Verify the Plug-in Version is now in the list of Plug-ins.
     j. Management Plug-in Installation Complete. 

Plug-in Deployment
The Plug-in deployment is done the same regardless if there is an existing plug-in version deployed. Once the Plug-in is imported you deploy the plug-in the same. This process assumes that the Grid Control Monitoring Agent that will serve as the monitoring agent for the Exadata Storage Cells is installed and registered with you Oracle Management Service.
1. Log into Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Management Service.

2. Set Preferred Credentials for the host of monitoring agent Plug-in will be deployed to as well as the monitoring agent.
     a. Select Preferences from top right of Browser Window displaying management console.
     b. select preferred credentials
     c. select Set Credentials Icon for Host
     d. locate host and enter the credentials for the oracle operating system user credentials
     e. select test credentials to ensure credentials entered are working.
     f. select apply.
     g. select Preferred Credentials in the upper left part of the screen
     h. select Set Credentials Icon for Agent
     i. Locate the agent to set credentials for and enter the oracle operating system user credentials
     j. select apply
     k. Select Home Tab to return to the Home Console Screen

3. Select Setup from the Top Right portion of the Browser Window

4. Select Management Plug-ins from the list menu on the right hand side of the window.

5. For the Exadata Plug-in to Deploy Select the Deploy icon. When Upgrading the Exadata Plug-in Select the new version to deploy.

6. Add Agent to the List of Agents to Deploy Plug-in to.

7. Select the Agent that will serve as the monitoring agent for the Exadata Storage Cells and then press Select.

8. To Add More Agents, repeat the Add Agent Steps, When finished Select Next to Continue with Deploying Plug-in.

9. Select Finish to Deploy Agent.

10. Deployment Completed

1 comment:

Sebastin said...

Thanks for the nice and crispy steps.

Can you tell me if the plug-ins can be installed other than as oracle or user without SYSMAN privileges? any work around .... !